dolphin taking drugs? a winner! great game its alot of fun.
dolphin taking drugs? a winner! great game its alot of fun.
What the fuck
What in the heck was that. Okay... im going to assume im too moronic and drunken to understand this. And im going to give you a good score.
But the graphics were shit, the characters didnt even have legs (lazy-ass animator) And the inane dialogue was excessive. And no , im not jealous, one of my flashes scored higher once (fun with anvils) but was voted down by Foamy fanatics along with the rest of the f-day fare.
Personally i thought this sucked and was unentertaining., Im somewhat glad i pressed pause on Camp Klll Yourself in order to hear it. I actually watched the whole flash.
Anyways, good luck on future flash, just make sure you add blood guts, and moral depravity to satisty my stupid and beastly instincts next time.,
And if you do reply, tell me why this scored so well, since im assuming the majoriuty of the NG audience wouldnt like such things. buthe then i could very very easily be wrong
Summary: good work!
Well you're entitled to your opinion. Just want to clarify that I drew those ghost characters without legs because they're supposed to be like that. In other flashes, when I draw humans, I draw them with legs, so no, I was not being lazy. I like my own style, just like you like yours. Quick, short, blood n guts may be your thing, but for me, I like to tell a long well thought out story with lots of dialogue(voices), some interactivity, and some of my own music. You're making an assumption for everyone that just because you don't like it, that others shouldn't either, but I know there are people who like it. They've even emailed me asking when this episode would come out. I don't want to fight with you, but I just disagree that the only "good" flash is the quick violent/bloody flash that took a day to make. I put lots of effort in this flash and this did not take only a day to make. I'm surprised to hear this kind of stuff coming from you (saying graphics are shit and how it sucks) when people have said those very same hateful things towards many of your movies. Thanks for the support anyways, sorry that you didn't like it.
tthis rules. you rule.
I think i recognize the fat guy. Also i loved the music. Any idea what the name of that song is? I know its a flashkit loop.. cuz next time i use it id like to give credit or at least have something to call it. its the first one in the list.
Great actionscripting and graphiucs. didnt do much for me personally. great work on this flash though
funny and fun. a wonder of actionscripting also
expected a b-point, but this was rather good!
Thats the same ugly, bignose, sterotypical gipsy that you used in your last one. This was actuaslly quite crappy, technically. if someone actually went to your website and bought something (if you sell stuff) then you need to put more into this. i didnt like it much at all. other than it tought me another shortcut to lazyness, as if i didnt have enough already. (the voice thing)
A turd compared
to your other work. This is your "suggestion box".
10 symbols, 2 sound files.. just not much to it. not amused
We like to think we spend our time preparing to live. In reality, we are preparing to die.
Age 20, Male
Joined on 9/6/03