What the fuck
What in the heck was that. Okay... im going to assume im too moronic and drunken to understand this. And im going to give you a good score.
But the graphics were shit, the characters didnt even have legs (lazy-ass animator) And the inane dialogue was excessive. And no , im not jealous, one of my flashes scored higher once (fun with anvils) but was voted down by Foamy fanatics along with the rest of the f-day fare.
Personally i thought this sucked and was unentertaining., Im somewhat glad i pressed pause on Camp Klll Yourself in order to hear it. I actually watched the whole flash.
Anyways, good luck on future flash, just make sure you add blood guts, and moral depravity to satisty my stupid and beastly instincts next time.,
And if you do reply, tell me why this scored so well, since im assuming the majoriuty of the NG audience wouldnt like such things. buthe then i could very very easily be wrong
Summary: good work!