I liked it alot
The watermelon ending music was great. catchy big time. everything about it was 1337. it was one very few games actually worth playing for more than 10 seconds. w00t w00t
I liked it alot
The watermelon ending music was great. catchy big time. everything about it was 1337. it was one very few games actually worth playing for more than 10 seconds. w00t w00t
Thanks for the 1337 review ;)
Oh good god
it stinks. i could pull a better "game" out of may ass. omfg it suck a lot. but at least you tried and for that you get a 3
Smoking is good.
I personally do not smoke. But I believe it is good, because how can anything that causes there to be less people be a bad thing?
The flash was not terrible but not good at all.
I like the textures and music.
It brings back fond memories of Doom II/
Keep it up, fool.
I do believe,
Couldnt read that shit. too small. plus political stuff is stupid.
you red commy
Communists get all the chicks.
Another bulls eye , bud.
Man that was awesome. Too bad those turd burglars didn't give you a higher score.
It kicked alot of ass. Welcome to my sought-after Favorites.. status... place.
It kicks major ass
it couldnt possibly kick more ass,
We like to think we spend our time preparing to live. In reality, we are preparing to die.
Age 20, Male
Joined on 9/6/03