that was pretty lame
that was pretty lame
now thats not going to help
Oh hell no
That was just so cool. Will purchase your brain for 3 shines. Please accept this it is my final offere.
XOXOXO haha lol
w00t w00t
Ktkore is such an asshat. got my first review from him earlier. what an ... (insert brilliant insult here)
PS your the best flash guy ever
Pure Genious.
Most females are heartless whores. Dying for the chance to sue anyone. Opportunistic codependants.
Notice that I said MOST and not all. That means more than 50%. so it could be anywhere from 51-99% you be the judge...
PS eat me asshats.
It was fucking cool
I was jason for like 7 halloweens in a row
He is so cool
Piss poor.
Yes I do believe that this is one piss poor flash.
You almost ruined my buzz.
Im glad i watched the whole thing man this was funny stuff.. Very clever indeed, my good man.
Weak, dude.
That was prety bad, considering this is your 4th movie.
That was so cool
please make more flashes where anvils fall on stupidasses
weeeeeellll maybe
We like to think we spend our time preparing to live. In reality, we are preparing to die.
Age 20, Male
Joined on 9/6/03