Fucking weak, dude.
Fucking weak, dude.
Fucking weak, dude.
Fucking weak, dude.
Cheap madness ripoff.
But it is not terrible.
If you made this today...
you ripped off my "stupid monkey" from "Blood Monkey" which i sudmitted earlier. if you don't know what im talking about and think ima fag, thats cool if you ripped me off then thats cool too i dont care. did you see Blood Monkey? before u made this ?
nah dude i made this like 2 months ago
Okay I'll try to be helpful this time...
It is stupid. And therefore appeals to the majority, who are themselves stupid. If you want a higher score my advice would be, not surprisingly:
1. Slow it down.
2. More frames, nobody likes to look at choppy animation.
3. Perhaps try your hand at flash instead of webcam "tomfoolery".
4. Maybe some voice. And subtitles for the hearing impaired.
Ok thanxs but still u suck cause of the one!
Homosexual as usual.
Short, cliche' and huge file size as usual.
u must be a shit head how is it homosexual and first your most likely try not to wirte a bad reivew for 5 u must be jeloius!
Not too shabby.
The previous reviewer's text spoke for himself.
"this movie is the dumb." *lol*
I can tell this took some work and it had good music.
Plus i grew up on Legos
there you go, legos are a way of freakin LIFE.
Too long of a load,
, for too short of a movie.
Really liked it.
Your drawing style is very nice to look at. I thought you did a very good job.
In second grade my teacher made us dance to this song. Lol it brings back memories to hear it again... good work man I liked the syncing that you did with the blobbage. Keep em coming!
Yep its a ten.
It kicks ass. I like it when people get shot so that they're brains show. Yummy brains.
-PS the last reviewer needs to put a cock in it.
We like to think we spend our time preparing to live. In reality, we are preparing to die.
Age 20, Male
Joined on 9/6/03