Most helpful.
I have already used what you taught me in my latest movie Beetlejuice. Thanks a bunch man! I appreciate you taking your time to help others. THat is commendable.
Most helpful.
I have already used what you taught me in my latest movie Beetlejuice. Thanks a bunch man! I appreciate you taking your time to help others. THat is commendable.
OMG, LiveCorpse Reviewed My Submission! *Squeelz*
That was fuckin kickass. It made me laugh my ass off. So fun to shoot that little halfbodied, armless excuse for a character!
lol, I know, its fuckin fun shit! Thanks for the review!
Best episode ev-er
rest assured i was on the internet registering my approval within seconds!
Thanks,i've checked some of your movies out,you've got quite a lot fo skill but you don't have very good plots,i think you should come up with a big flash project that way you'll get better scores,thanks again.
At first i was all like "OMFG a dressup with a decent score" then i played it and i was all like "OMFG Pwnage"
That was really good.
Dude why did we get bumped to the bottom of the portal. That suXXors. This game is really good and more ppl should get to play it. All that shit in front of us is like 3 months old. We need a shit bulldozer up in here.
That was the best game dude.
wish i new how to keep it up there :) im new to :P
Grand Thief Auto: TURD CITY
A pretty good recreation of GTA for a one man programming team. Nice, but WHATS THE FUCKING POINT. GTA is a million times better as an actual game.
Really good work though man.
The point is;
its online, its free, its only 670kb, you can play it anywhere, you dont need a graphics card, and i made it all on my own : )
I liked it alot
The watermelon ending music was great. catchy big time. everything about it was 1337. it was one very few games actually worth playing for more than 10 seconds. w00t w00t
Thanks for the 1337 review ;)
I do believe,
Couldnt read that shit. too small. plus political stuff is stupid.
you red commy
Communists get all the chicks.
We like to think we spend our time preparing to live. In reality, we are preparing to die.
Age 20, Male
Joined on 9/6/03