College university - ripoff, or parody??? i am befuddled RESPOND!!!1111
College university - ripoff, or parody??? i am befuddled RESPOND!!!1111
We went throught this last time. Its not a university thing, just look at the pilot, and it will exsplain it all. Not college university.
Beyond retarded
which is why i fived it!!!1
ThX mAn!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!3#3!!!!
Not great.
Certainly no blue highlight. The sound was horrible and when he started shooting repeatedly i had to close it. Plus, the clocks are a happy bunch, but im sure you know that.
that's all fixed now... and the clocks are kewl but they're just rivals
wait till i press blam to play the music? sheesh
sorry bud.
good flash, entertaining
Very sorry! I couldn't find music to go with intro. But im glad you liked it! Thanks
A really good flash. Detailed, long, and funny. Just great.
Cheers! Glad you liked.
Funny and detailed, you got my 5/5
I like the crazy bastard's hat
And a review from Livecorpse.
I didn't catch this one the first time around.
Cheers, man. You will be missed.
That was really cool, at the moment it looks like it might die. Well work on the graphics i'd say. and Rex looks pretty shitty
Great music
thanks for all the comments.i will take it in. anyway about the 30 secs drawing out the character..well..i took 5mins..lolz i will try to make it better graphic... try my best..remember to catch my first episode of Rex.
Pretty good
I like your style man that was cool. the kind of stuff i come to ng for... just needs to be like 4x longer.
thanx a lot, i waas rushing cuz i wanted to get it done before i had to leave, it was a preview, so it had to be short (but i did realize how to make it longer during my "departure"), the episodes should be a few minutes long, like 3 or sumtin, thanx A LOT for actually reviewing, peace outside:)
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Age 20, Male
Joined on 9/6/03