Fire rules
Nuff said
Fire rules
Nuff said
Not very original, and wheres the blood? Well on a positive it was decent.
there is no blood, because they are robots maybe?
A preview for a violent stick movie to that song which i forget the title to, very original indeed...
Well done
Im glad too see that u have not "quit flash forever", that would impale me...
Overall, while this did kick my ass, it doesnt live up to perots music hour. Good job syncing the animation with the audio/ very well done.
I saw a good deal of the FS forum in this one!
your love slave
I was wondering when you would release this! It turned out great. Full on length, and humor! Anyways good job, im glad it was rated fairly.
cept for some people who gave it bad reviews...i cant respect em, thanks alot man.
Good work on this one, I was wondering when your scene would come. Too bad it came solo, but glad to see it nonetheless. Good gob, moose!
THis series rules, each better than the last of course. I really enjoy them. Great graohics, flawless voice acting, and superb animation.
Im gonna go float upside for a while
Im a big fan of your horror movie tributes! I liked this one, the backgrounds stoof out in particular. Im definately adding you to my fav authors after this one!
You improve relatively quickly, also.
TNX MAN that means alot
We like to think we spend our time preparing to live. In reality, we are preparing to die.
Age 20, Male
Joined on 9/6/03